
Hardwood Floors - Day 1

In order to start this project I decided to use a PTO day on Friday and work on the project over the long weekend. The plan was to start with flooring one room to see how it turned out. That quickly changed, thankfully, and the demo started in all three bedrooms on the upper level at the same time. By the end of day one we had all the furniture moved to the basement, carpet ripped up, trim taken off and two rooms had the squeaks in the floor resolved with screws. We rented a floor nailer for two days that evening to make the next days more smooth. Here are some images after day 1:

Room 1 ready for the hardwood

Room 1 ready for the hardwood

Room 2 clear of carpet

Room 2 clear of carpet

Room 3 ready to cut wood

Room 3 ready to cut wood

Anyone that is exposing the subfloor I highly recommend reinforcing it with screws to avoid and elimate squeaks. There have been many nights I have kept up because of the squeaks from the roommates walking upstairs. Not anymore!!! Hahahaha :-)

We also vacuumed around the edges of the room since this is most likely the only time the trim will be removed for a long time. If you have pets or funny smells in your house it is a good idea to mop the plywood with warm vinegar water until any smells are gone. Make sure to let it dry!