Hardwood Floors Days 4-8

During the week we don't get much time to work on the floors so I will group the weekdays into one post. The goal throughout the week was to get the living room and hallway ready to install the flooring on. Unfortunately picture are also lacking throughout the week so I may have to substitute for some older picture for the before images.

On Monday Donald began removing the furniture from the living room while I took a day off :-)

On Tuesday Donald moved all the wood from the living room into finished rooms and marked bad wood that needed to be cut and where to cut for me. I took another day off of the project and cut the lawn.

The original pile of wood before we started.

The original pile of wood before we started.

On Wednesday we tackled the brick platform designed to house a wood stove, but the wood stove had disappeared before we moved in. It has been the place for the television and has made it really awkward to walk around. We are glad to get rid of it.

On Thursday we tore out the carpet and removed the trim and tack strips from the living room and hallway.

On Friday we screwed in the plywood sub floor to reinforce it and prevent/resolve squeaks. We then installed the insulayment and placed placed the boards to see how it would line up.