Hardwood Floors - Day 2

On the second day of hardwood flooring our goal was to use the floor nailer as much as possible. We only had it for a limited time and want to cut down on the days we need to rent it next. 

We started flooring in the bedrooms on the right side of the hallway. The first room took the longest because the air compressor hose had leaks in it. I ended up buying another and it made a world of a difference. I started on the wall next to the hallway because it was the longest wall and I wanted to line up with the door way since the plank width are about the width of the doorway. I face nailed the first row and then went to town with the next rooms. It was nice because two planks was the exact length of the room. All I had to do was cut one plank at a random length and the floor looked random.  


The next room went much faster but did require more cuts. The room was longer and had a bigger closet to work around. Day 2 finished around 1am with two rooms complete with what could be nailed with the floor nailer.

