The Search Goes On

After walking away from the house I almost bought it took me some time to get the motivation back. I began to think maybe it's not the time to buy a house. Finding the right house is too hard. Why am I doing this? After about four weeks of this I finally began searching again. The more I searched the more I learned. I discovered I wanted a basement, I wanted to be close to the water and I wanted an attached garage. Some houses were really close to what I wanted, but I had this gut feeling that something was missing.

After what felt like hundreds of house viewings I narrowed it down to two houses. The first house was in the city close to work. It had large rooms, a patio and a garage. The floor plan of the house was awkward and had only one story. The garage was in need of work, but at least it had one. I was close to putting in an offer, but I let my gut get in the way. I just knew it wasn't the one.

The next house the had me very interested was in a historical part of Pontiac, Michigan. Pontiac comes with a negative reputation, but this house was in the historical district placed directly at the end of a bike/running trail. The house was three stories tall!!! And it came with a garage and a basement! The structure of the house reminding me of a castle squished together. How awesome would it be to live in a castle?1? The heat of the house came from a boiler system that looked to be in rough shape and the foundation of the house appeared to be cracked and unstable. I called the home inspector to see if I could arrange to have only the foundation inspection for a lower rate and the use that rate to get the whole house inspected should it be determined safe. The inspector gave me the rates and I decided to go ahead and put an offer in. I thought the offer was competitive but it turns out the house was more popular than I expected and the seller and to take some time to decide. 

I patiently waited for a response.....